17 agosto 2011

Inside 90 days August the 15th

My dear friends, here we are for a new update on the training diary in view of the European Masters Games of karate. All goes well, I can respect the roadmap of the various training sessions. As I had predicted my dietitian, the weight is starting to come down and are over one kilo. Even jogging is bearing fruit: at the same time and heartbeat, I increased the distance of about 1 km.
I wanted to call a colleague for a kumite test-mach. A good master kumite specialist dan.
At dawn, facing the sea, for about an hour we had a great time and I was able to accelerate to the speed that I like. If I had to make a final judgment I would say that I have imposed quite well with the kicks, although I took a couple of beautiful punches right in my face. With the good ones even a moment of distraction can be decisive. This morning I practiced the kata Unsu. I felt tired a lot and I realized that I reached what I call the "crisis point", that is the moment of almost completely crisis in which if I give up there will be no growth, but if I wait for another few days there will be a exponential growth. The trick at this point is simply to do with what the body can give and nothing more. In my experience the difference with what I call the “total Crisis” is the point in which I have just to rest. I try to never reach this bad point, very close to the over-training.
Best wishes to all, Christian Gonzales

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